
Progress in the RYHEALTH Project Across All Work Packages
Progress in the RYHEALTH Project Across All Work Packages

The RYHEALTH Consortium is pleased to share the latest progress and achievements of the RYHEALTH project, which focuses on improving health literacy and the wellbeing of children and youth across Europe. Below are the key developments in the three central work packages (WPs 2/3 and 5) that shape our project.

Work Package 2 (WP2): Data Collection and Analysis - Lead Partner: University of Cádiz (UCA); Contributing Partners: University of Coimbra (UC); Agrupamento de Escolas de Anadia (AEAnadia); Region Vasterbotten (RV); Campus di Monaco (CdM); Outdoor Against Cancer (OAC)  
In WP2, we are approaching the completion of the second task and have already collected valuable data. However, participation in the survey has been limited, even though by October 5th, 308 people had accessed the survey link. To increase participation, the consortium has decided to continue disseminating the survey widely and to further involve school networks, such as the EU4Health Sister Project Schools4Health. Preliminary data from Spain has already been analyzed. These results are being used to develop targeted interventions in all partner countries, marking a significant milestone for WP2.

Work Package 3 (WP3): Development of Tools for School Health Literacy* Lead Partner: Outdoor Against Cancer (OAC); Contributing Partners: University of Cádiz (UCA);  University of Coimbra (UC); Agrupamento de Escolas de Anadia (AEAnadia); Region Vasterbotten (RV); Campus di Monaco (CdM)
WP3 focuses on developing a comprehensive digital toolkit designed specifically for students, teachers, and parents. The structure of the toolkit is user-friendly, allowing for easy navigation through filters, tags, and a search function. Each partner country is already in the process of creating content (Educational Resources) in their own language, which will also be available in English.
A highlight of WP3 is the introductory video, where students are the main focus, presenting the toolbox in an engaging way. Additionally, partners are working on the development of a series of health literacy tools, with the first set expected by October 24th. Teacher training, another key aspect of this WP, will be implemented by the end of January.

*An important aspect of promoting health literacy in schools is the 
equal involvement of teachers, parents, and students.
By providing informational materials, workshops, and practical tools, 
such as the digital toolkit developed within the RYHEALTH project, 
these groups can be supported in enhancing their knowledge and 
skills for health promotion.

Work Package 5 (WP5): Dissemination and Engagement - Lead Partner Outdoor Against Cancer (OAC); Contributing Partners: University of Cádiz (UCA);  University of Coimbra (UC); Agrupamento de Escolas de Anadia (AEAnadia); Region Vasterbotten (RV); Campus di Monaco (CdM)
WP5 plays a crucial role in spreading the RYHEALTH message and engaging both local and international audiences. A significant upcoming event is the RYHEALTH International Event, where the results of all work packages will be presented. This digital event is planned for March 2025 and will provide a platform to engage with a broad audience.
The consortium is working intensively to increase participation in the survey. Creative approaches, such as issuing participation certificates (RYHEALTH Certificate) and involving schools as partners, are some of the measures developed to promote the survey. Additionally, a dissemination strategy focusing on media outreach and local communities has been developed to further the project’s objectives.

We look forward to continuing to report on the progress of the RYHEALTH project and introducing new initiatives that contribute to improving health literacy and supporting youth health across Europe.

RYHEALTH Coordinating Partner: University of Coimbra (UC)
Author: Petra Thaller (OAC)